Sunday, September 9, 2012

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tears the spot referrals to the leadership , said the criminals hands of guns,oakley for sale, several soldiers injured, they should do? armed police and the regular army establishment, to say the time to help direct the head of the deputy commander is not the Corps led by the deputy commander of the Corps is required leadership did not explain too much, just such a great leadership to find help, Corps leaders personally directed enough attention on the line, did not intend to do too much exaggeration,nfl jersey dresses, do not want his men too much casualties. so ask hostages have been rescued, Corps leadership instructed to ensure the safety of the hostages on, to deal with the criminals, and can deal with, can not deal with the first enclosed, till daylight, and he no longer send reinforcements in the past.
Legitimate commander to notice that the squad leader with the nfl and Sui Lai out of the southwestern province of an armed police squadron arrived on the scene. Yunnan Province side, the leadership of the southwestern province of armed police immediately after receiving the deputy commander of the phone, thought, this afternoon, police and other relevant departments of the government suddenly blocked the entire Xing Yang, seems to find important people were kidnapped, and is directly under the command of the central one directorate. only because of the different systems. just note the relevant departments of the Armed Police Force, temporarily did not use it. then finished deputy commander of the phone and receiving the fax photos, the le

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